Revolutionizing Data Centers with substantial energy savings, with up to a 95% reduction in cooling energy costs.
Synapsecom Joins Global Effort to Enhance Internet Security by Adopting MANRS Principles.
Why Choosing a Virtual or Cloud Server from a Data Center is Superior to Building and Maintaining Your Own Server.
GDPR compliance is not just a regulatory requirement but a fundamental aspect of Synapsecom's mission to provide secure and reliable service.
Synapsecom Telecoms, a leader in telecommunications, data centers, and IT solutions, is now a proud participant in the MODERATOR Project.
The new GPU-accelerated VMs are designed to handle compute-intensive tasks such as AI training, machine learning, and high-performance data.
We're proud to announce our support for the Greek Network Operator Group (GRNOG), a community dedicated to the evolution and growth of the Greek Internet.
By eliminating the need for traditional air cooling systems and achieving zero water consumption.
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